I am thinking of you, all of you. I am thinking about how we have become too practiced at putting together litanies for the murdered. I am thinking about how the shocks of these hideous massacres hits all of us and reverberates, and makes all our teeth chatter.
Our immune systems take the hit, too. Have you noticed? I have been more often sick since the Orange Asshole* took power than in any memory. I know I’m not the only one.
I am on day six of some kind of intestinal thing that won’t allow me to digest any food without considerable pain. I am heading back to the doctor’s in a few minutes (I went to Urgent Care last night).
What could it be, I have asked myself. And why am I sick again? Is this food poisoning, is it a gastrointestinal bug, what is it?
Exactly a week ago I officiated at the funeral for our oldest church member. The days leading up to her passing were filled with that kind of intimate ministry I know you know. Close quarters. Germs passed among loved ones keeping vigil. Me grabbing food from here and there as I visited with her and others that week. In the previous couple of weeks I had been in at least six different hospitals and nursing homes.
We get exposed to a lot of germs and viruses, bacteria, all that.
We do intimate work.
Tell me you don’t touch and kiss ailing folk. You do it without thinking about it. And yea, you wash your hands but there isn’t enough hand sanitizer on Earth to protect us from all the humanity we’re moving through. We don’t do our work in masks and gloves.
I need to get to the doc’s but I wanted to let you know that I’m thinking of you and your own vulnerability. God doesn’t call us to protect ourselves, so my prayer is that God’s love will hold you fast, guide you and guard you.
Purell can only do so much.
*Yes, I know he’s a child of God. God loves him; I think he’s a sociopathic asshole.
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