Papers and Gadgets Galore

I just heard a colleague’s Preacher’s Nightmare story from this morning: she was up in the high pulpit of her historic church during the pre-sermon hymn and realized that she didn’t have her sermon. She made a mad dash down the stairs, down the aisle and to her study, grabbed a copy of her sermon off her desk and made it back up into the high pulpit just in time to give the sermon.

There must be something in the air: I forgot my reading glasses today and had to subtly beat it into my study during the Children’s Message to fetch them.

This leads me to ask the preachers among us: where do you save your work? Do you make hard copies or the liturgy and sermon or do your use an electronic device, notecards, or what?

I usually print out the entire service and send copies to myself at four (FOUR) different e-mail addresses that link to various devices, including my general gmail account. If all else fails (and it did once!) I can read off of my phone. I don’t recommend that!

I surreptitiously use my iPhone from the pulpit as a remote to run slide shows when we use them, and my Kindle or iPad for liturgical elements that require me to be mobile (I also use them for weddings). I occasionally preach from notes I read off my iPad, but I find the swiping to be distracting to watch as a worshiper, and I’m always a bit nervous the device will switch off or get glitchy at a terrible moment.

How about glitches, batteries dying, and such? I’ll advise on how to handle that in my next post. For now, darlings, g’night! It was very warm today so I took advantage of the gorgeousness and went swimming in the ocean after church and also took a nice, long walk. I’m bushed. Smooches.
